Google +1’s are coming back!

Google +1 Returns
We’ve figured out a way to add Google +1’s back to YouLikeHits.  This time we’re pretty confident that it’ll work out and the +1’s will not be removed.  We’re currently testing with a small number of users but we’re seeing success and will be opening it up to more and more users very soon.  Keep checking back to see if it’s been opened up for you!

Premium Price
We have lowered the premium price from 750 Points for 24 hours to 500 Points for 24 hours.

New Points Package
We added a new Points package to the “Buy Points” page.  You can now get 10,000 Points for $90!

13 thoughts on “Google +1’s are coming back!

    1. It’s open to add new sites to everyone but you can’t yet “Verify” the site and you can’t +1 others sites yet. All coming very soon though!

  1. hehe you make a lot of money from lazy ppl 😀 i wish i was you :))

    Anyway good job!

  2. Lets hope you can get this up and running. If so I feel there will be some hard buying of points for me! *L*

  3. I Like it!

    I do think it’s very uncool to unlike someone’s page! If you don’t want them in your feed, it’s simple to block them from feed.

    Hey all, we’re all just trying to work here and support is worth a 1000 Likes!


  4. Man please fix this damn twitter system… also there are problems for all fb, digg etc..

    It say “you dont follow him” and i’ve done already..

    It annoys me a lot…

    1. There’s nothing wrong with the Twitter, FB or Digg systems. Make sure that your Twitter name shows up on their “Followers” list.

  5. I think i will make a movie for you. haha. “How to get scammed by the system” :))…

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