39 thoughts on ““Somebody already added me page…”

      1. Hello.

        Thanks for your answer.

        What I meant is that when i like a page, no points are being added to my total number of points. And the error message about YLH having trouble verifying the like is not even displayed. And the page does not refresh to go the next page to like.
        This happening a lot.

  1. Hello YLH Happy Thanksgiving and Thank You! 😀

    I still have this problem with a banned website, now another of my websites have been banned. It’s truly all the same website just different sections I want to get hits.

    They do not break frame, it is not pornographic, it is just my musician page.

    So whoever reported it, they did so because either, they don’t like my kind of music, or just to do it.

    My user name is OGKEYS

    And these are the 2 links that have been banned.




    All I ask is that you view these sites for your self and see if they deserved to be reported.

    I could just report sites for no reason as well, but I ONLY report sites which break the rules of YLH not rules of my own.

    I visit I don’t know how many pages on reverbnation.com through YLH and never once have I felt the need to report it.



  2. Really getting tired of liking 4 point pages, there’s MAYBE 10 9’s that I’ve been able to like. This is really bad man, I give out 9 points for likes and people are getting my like for 4 points, just doesn’t really seem too fair 😦

  3. Hallo at all…
    All Twittersites does not exisit
    All Facebooksites leads to my own account.
    What the Problem ?

    Hope you can fix this.

  4. i can’t help but think this is going the twiends way. the fb likes are the most important and the past few days have been rubbish. not happy

  5. if it’s not one problem it’s another! now that the 9 points have returned, can’t verify the darn things! urgh

  6. Facebook seem to be limiting likes. the biggest problem I think is the amount of UNLIKING people are doing. That is why twiends was blocked and It does seem that this will go the same way but I hope not. maybe it would help if YLH addressed the problem VERY clearly on their home page, if people keep liking 20 pages then go to facebook and unlike immediately it will ruin a good thing

  7. i experienced that with the twitter followers but not for fb likes. twiends served me well for my likes. and you are right, ylh needs to address this issue quite clearly as a lot of people are too thick to know that they are ruining a damn good thing with their misplaced greed. i have been saying this a lot recently, including making use of these likes by actually liking something on the pages wall. if even a few of us start doing that, we’ll create a buzz around all these pages, so will take a lot of pressure of ylh and enable organic growth. but that’s just my thoughts on the matter…

  8. ylh, can you take off the fb pagess for while and just fix the problems before letting people go back on it? as casino says above, i think these constant liking and unliking will only do us all more harm than good as things stand right now. pls respond…

  9. The same i can’t get past it going to my own FB profile now instead of to where i am trying to like…

  10. Just to let EVERYONE know we can fix this problem ourselves. All we have to do if keep liking Facebook pages and hiting the confirm button on Twitter pages that don’t exist. What seems to have happened is some pages which are no longer in use are back on the site.

    So you need to Skip the Facebook pages that go to the homepage and hit confirm on any twitter pages that don’t exist, or are protected. The system will then remove the pages and Things will go bacc to normal.

    1. This is true. The Facebook pages and Twitter accounts that are not properly setup will start disappearing as people start trying to confirm/like them.

  11. I see 36 Facebooksites with in each case 9 points.
    I skipped 10 sides and see I again 36 Facebooksites with in each case 9 points.

    Why do I see the sides?
    Facebooksites with 9 points are very good: -)
    Unfortunately I cannot liken these sides…

  12. is there any way of adding a Report button to the twitter pages if the member has it set to “request to follow” as im sending the request but YLH of course is not giving me the points. and there seems to be ALOT of them latly (maybe 80+%)

      1. thanks 🙂 its a bloody pain … at 1st i thought it was my twitters fault, but them 20% that works fine kinda proved it was not my fault, just people trying to get followers without payin the points

  13. here shrimp. Back down with fans, rather than forward. And lose the points.
    Bad shape with the real fans of the page

    1. Sounds like you’re using another service other than YouLikeHits to get Likes. YouLikeHits doesn’t have that bad of a drop rate. We’re testing it on over 10 other fan pages and not having issues like what you’re describing. Are you spamming your Likes?

      1. it is true if you fire in 10 points, if you drop to 9 you get a 30-40% drop rate. You can do something about it. You can mention somewhere clearly on your site that it is against the ethics of the site. NOWHERE on your site when you sign up does it ask people not to unlike and explain why. So try that?

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