YouTube Subscribers/Likes

Unfortunately we are no longer able to offer these two options on a consistent basis. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Edit: We’re testing out a new system that we have in place right now that limits the activity you do in Likes and Subscriptions. It may allow us to keep the sections up but with limits.

We will have new sections out soon. Social Networking is growing and expanding on a daily basis and we’re going to do the same to catch up. Out with the old and in with the new!

10 thoughts on “YouTube Subscribers/Likes

  1. you are going to lose so much website traffic and buzz, I know so so many people who use your site just for those 2 services or one of them!

  2. Why are you doing away the two? Is there a reason? I’m been here today and can go now right back

    1. Yes, YouTube has changed the way we connect to the site so that we can no longer consistently confirm likes and subscriptions. It is up to guess work now (which is how some other sites are running) and means that people can be taking your points without actually subscribing or liking.

      I’m testing out new ways to do liking and subscribing but if they don’t work well then I’ll be removing them again.

      1. Hi admin, the captcha in yt views do not work well. usually I clicked correct 3 X and show “error captcha” without any reason. This captcha have this bug. Today I clicked correctly 3 captcha and it show “error captcha” but i clicked correct X in row. Thanks

  3. it was good while it lasted…thanks but yea i agree with jerry your website is going to fall.

  4. You guys at youlikehits should sort out your list of users. I have been gaining followers from your website who’ve never tweeted or even with a “Zero” follower count. This is just a feedback for you guys to enhance the image of your valuable website…….Cheers!

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