Points System Update Part 2

We’ve been monitoring the changes made in the last update and the feedback we’ve received. We’re changing the maximum Payout back to 10 from 12 and lowering the minimum payout from 5 to 3 (it was originally 2). Instead of removing 3 points per transaction we’ll be removing 2 instead. So for example, if you are offering 10 Points the person who interacts with your content will receive 8 Points. (10-2=8) These changes have already been applied.

This system should help keep points from inflating while keeping their value around the same. It should also allow us to increase the bonus points and do specials in the future.

Thanks for using YouLikeHits!

Points System Update

A lot of users have been noticing that it’s taking longer to get Hits even though they’re offering high payouts. This is because the sites economy has become inflated. Too many points are in the system. In order to fix this issue we’re going to increase the number of Points you can offer from 10 to 12 and the minimum from 2 to 5. We’re also going to remove 3 points per transaction instead of the previous 1 point. This should help elevate the inflation over some time. This will also allow us to raise bonus points and such in the future. The only section that is currently working in this new point format is the Twitter Followers at this time but the other sections will follow soon.